Break-Event and Trailing Setting
This section covers how the EA will react after gaining some profits. The EA will activate Trailing loss to secure or lock your current profit to avoid any loss in case the trade will go opposite direction before the actual Take Profit has been hit. Note that Trailing Loss will not be activated if the trade is loss. Only work when a trade begins to gain profit.Break-Event and Trailing are worked the same way. But the main difference is Break-Event only work one time only and Trailing work every time when it hit trigger.
How Break-Event and Trailing Work
In this example, you use only buy trade. Sell trade is the same as just work the opposite direction.Break-Event
Break-Event works with like trigger and action. When the trigger happened EA do the action.TriggerBreak-Event Start: This is the trigger value. For example, your value is 200 points. So when you buy trade goto 200 points profit or more. EA fire the trigger and goto the action.

Break-Event Step: This is the action value. For example, your value is 30 points. So EA will set stoploss your buy trade's OPEN PRICE + BREAK-EVENT STEP VALUE. If your open price is 1.20000 then your StopLoss will be set 1.20000 + 30 Points = 1.20030

Trailing works with like trigger and action. When the trigger happened EA do the action.TriggerTrailing Step: This is trailing trigger value. For example, your value is 200 points.
There are two-way trigger work
Step 1# - When you trade's current stoploss set in loss or if your trade doesn't set any stoploss then trigger calculation fellow step 1#
if your trade in profit 200 points then trigger happened.

Step 2# - When you trade's current stoploss set in profit then trigger calculation fellow step 1#
if current price move more then 200 points from your current stoploss level then trigger happened.

Trailing Stop: This is the action value. For example, your value is 100 points. When any trigger happened EA set new StopLoss in below calculation

Input Parameters
Break-Event Setting
- Break Even On: Enables Break Event. Break event works in both initial and hedge mode.
- Break Start: Profit (distance from the entry price to the current price, in points) when the breakeven is activated.
- Break Step: Distance from the entry price to which the stop loss is moved.
- Disable BE: If True, BE only work in initial mode and the hedge mode Break-Event will be disabled.
Trailing-Stop Setting
- Trailing On: Enables Trailing Stop. Trailing stops work in both initial and hedge mode.
- Trailing Stop: Points to be won for the Trailing Stop to be activated.
- Trailing Step: Step (in points) of trailing stop.
- Disable TR: If True, trailing only works in initial mode and hedge mode Trailing will be disabled.
KEEP IN MIND – When your trade-in hedge mode all values (points) work as average.
For Example – Break Start = 300 and Break Step = 100, In hedge mode, when all trade average in profit in 300 points, profit will be locked at 100 points.