Trade Close Filter

Additional Close Filter

The Additional Close Filter section defines advanced settings for closing trades based on various conditions, including time, profit levels, equity limits, and drawdown thresholds. These filters offer flexibility to manage trades dynamically, ensuring better control over your trading strategy.
  • Active Close Trade By Time Zone: This function means that you can decide to close your trade based on time. Take note as this function can close either loss or profit.
  • Time Zone For Close Trade: The input defines when you wish for active trades to be stopped. You can select time zone intervals for trades to be closed. For instance, if you set 13:00-22:00, the EA will close all trades when your terminal time is within this range.
  • Minimum Profit For Time Zone: By default Time zone closes all of trade when your select time come. It doesn't care eigher your trade in profit or loss. But if you want time zone only close trade if your trade in profit then your can set minimum profit value in currently. If you have grid trade then minimum profit work as average in profit then close the trade.
  • Closing Type For Time Zone: You can select which trade mode the Active Close Trade will work on. If you select “Only When Initial Trade” and you only have initial trade then this function will work, but if you have initial with grid trade then Active Close Trade will not work. If you select “Initial + Grid Trade” (All Trade) then whether you have open trade initial or grid trade when Active close time comes, the EA will close all trades.
  • Close trade on opposite signal: Allow all trades to be closed upon detection of opposite signal-True/False(False by Default)
  • Min Profit($) for opposite trade close: Opposite signals during trading can occur. So with this input, you are defining how much profit must be accumulated before the initial trade close if the opposite signal detected

How to Stop & Kill Work?

If any of the value triggers EA will close all of your current trade and stop to open new trade. All values are in currency. For example, profit/Loss means total your current profit/loss in currency. It will be not in points.
  • Max Daily Profit / Max Daily Loss: If you're currently all trade profit/loss + that day already made profit/loss =  hits this value, EA will close the current trade and then stop for that day.
  • Equity Above / Equity Below: If you're current equity hits this value, EA will close the current trade and then stop until equity not come back normal level.
  • Max Floating Loss: If your current loss hits this value.
  • Max Daily DD (%): If Your current DD in percentage hits this value. EA will close the current trade. DD calculation is Recorded Balance - Current Balance if loss percentage of your max daily DD.
  • Max Daily DD: This reset time. EA Record Balance on that time every day.
  • Remove EA: If true, any of the above functions hit EA will be removed from the chart.