Stochastic EA trades using the Stochastic Indicator. It offers many customizable Stochastic trading scenarios and flexible position management settings, plus many useful features like customizable trading sessions, a martingale, and inverse martingale mode.
Entry Strategies
- Cross at OS/OB: When the Stochastic Indicator cross is oversold or overbought
- Cross at Any Level: When the Stochastic Indicator cross is any level
- Cross MAIN line at OS/OB: Stoch MAIN line cross oversold or overbought line
- Cross SIGNAL line at OS/OB: Stoch SIGNAL line cross oversold or overbought line
- Cross COMEBACK MAIN line at OS/OB: Stoch MAIN line reverse cross oversold or overbought line
- Cross COMEBACKSIGNAL line at OS/OB: Stoch SIGNAL line reverse cross oversold or overbought line
- MAIN line at Oversold/Overbought Level: When MAIN line are in Oversold/Overbought Level
- SIGNAL line at Oversold/Overbought Level: When SIGNAL line are in Oversold/Overbought Level